- If you haven't completed your KYC profile verification:
Your maximum balance of tokens on VyvoPay is 1,000 VYVO (SGD), your daily transaction limit is 1,000 VYVO (SGD) and your monthly withdrawal limit is 3,000 VYVO (SGD).
Please note: in this case, the maximum balance on VyvoPay is set to 1000 SGD. If you already have 1000 SGD deposited in your VyvoPay, you can not transfer more.
- If you have completed your KYC profile verification:
Your maximum balance of tokens on VyvoPay is 20,000 VYVO (SGD), your daily transaction limit is 20,000 VYVO (SGD) and your monthly withdrawal limit is 100,000 VYVO (SGD).
Please note: in this case, the maximum balance on VyvoPay is set to 20.000 SGD. If you already have 20.000 SGD deposited in your VyvoPay, you can not transfer more.
The total amount of $VSC that can be transferred to VyvoPay is limited to the sum of $VSC earned through inPersona Rewards. The minimum withdraw amount is 10 USDV.
- If you haven't completed your KYC profile verification:
Your maximum balance of tokens on OdeePay is 3,000 USDV, your daily transaction limit is 3,000 USDV and your monthly withdrawal limit is 3,000 USDV.
- If you have completed your KYC profile verification:
Your maximum balance of tokens on OdeePay is 25,000 USDV, your daily transaction limit is 25,000 USDV and your monthly withdrawal limit is 200,000 USDV.
The minimum withdraw amount is 10 USDV.
Please note:
- Each request must be placed 24hrs after the previous request's approval.
- One of the limitations for Members who don't have the full KYC approved is not being able to make ATM withdrawals.
- Singapore and China local ATMs do not accept Odee/VyvoPay cards, but they are accepted on international ATMs.
- Every time you check your balance at ATM, a 1 SGD fee will be debited from your account.
- A maximum of three (3) ATM withdrawals per day per card is allowed, with a daily withdrawal limit of 2,500 USD/SGD per card, aligned with the card’s currency.
To learn more