The list of countries in which the Odee service limited or not available is divided in two categories:
- Prohibited Countries - Not to Onboard
Entities from the Prohibited Countries List are not to be onboarded.
Not to onboard users who are residing in the prohibited country, regardless of their nationality.
Not to onboard users who are citizens of the listed prohibited countries, regardless of their country of residence.
Exception: China, India, United States of America
Citizens of China, India and United States of America can be onboarded if they are residing outside of a prohibited country.
- High Risk Countries - Subject to EDD
Entities from High Risk Countries List shall be subjected to enhanced due diligence (EDD) measures before onboarding.
EDD is required for users residing in the high risk country, regardless of their nationality.
Prohibited Countries - Not to Onboard |
High Risk Countries - Subject to EDD |
Afghanistan |
Albania |
Belarus |
Barbados |
Central African Republic (CAR) |
Burkina Faso |
China * |
Cameroon |
Cuba |
Croatia |
Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) |
Guinea-Bissau |
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) |
Haiti |
Ethiopia |
Lebanon |
India * |
Monaco |
Iran |
Mozambique |
Iraq |
Myanmar |
Libya |
Nigeria |
Mali |
Philippines |
Nicaragua |
Russia |
Somalia |
Senegal |
South Sudan |
South Africa |
Sudan |
Tanzania |
Syria |
Ukraine |
United States of America * |
Vietnam |
Venezuela |
Yemen |
Zimbabwe |
* Due to issuing restriction in home country
Prohibited and High Risk Countries list are subject to updates and changes.