Odee Wallet
- Where is Vyvo Coin ($VSC) supported?
- For which Countries is the Bank transfer available?
- Is the tranfer of coins from inPersona Apps to Odee a function provided by inPersona?
- I’ve seen a few transactions in my VyvoPay / OdeePay that don’t look familiar. What can I do?
- In which countries are the Odee operations limited or not available?
- What kind of currencies can I transfer to and from Odee?
- Which Networks do Odee support?
- Navigation through Odee platform.
- What is the Two-Factor Authentication?
- What is the KYC verification?
- Why I was asked for a EDD (Enhanced due diligence form) during the KYC process?
- If I am an old VyvoPay user, will my profile be entirely migrated to Odee?
- What type of transactions can I do with Odee?
- Can I have multiple accounts on Odee?